Wednesday 9 September 2015

Some Wildlife Characters

The Bucket

The distinct absence of wildlife in this photo, proves I am no wildlife photographer but be assured, this bucket  attracts wildlife!

Abandoned in the garden, I don't remember how long ago and left to fill up with rainwater, birds now actually cue up to use it!  They stack, then swoop down each morning to take their fill of water, then continue on with their ablutions, some more thoroughly than others. From pigeons to wrens they each politely wait their turn, then fly off adequately refreshed and suitably dressed ready for the day ahead. 

 Another identical bucket, I left right outside the backdoor in  my very tiny town garden. This bucket attracted a slightly more surprising visitor. I would regularly hear a sploosh each time I passed this bucket and see wet splurges on the surrounding paving slabs but saw no bird flitting off, disturbed by my regular tea breaks, taken in the garden. Then one very rainy day, gazing from the backdoor watching the raindrops plip plop into the bucket, from its dark depths I saw two eyes peering back at me - frogs eyes!

Francoise and I whiled away many an hour together - him in his bucket me on my bench sipping tea, we didn't talk much and we never kissed but I miss him!

The Bucket sketch
